Abajo el muro!

Album fotografico del movimiento por los derechos de l@s inmigrantes en Houston,Texas (Mexico) Papeles para Tod@s!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

El Otro Grito en Houston Texas

El dia de ayer se dio el "Grito de la Resistencia" enfrente del Consulado Mexicana en donde se reunieron cerca de 30-40 personas y gritar:"Zapata Vive,La Lucha Sigue",Presos Politicos,Libertad!'

Un trabajador de la embajada mexicana se acerco a la reunion y pregunto que si queriamos decir algo en la celebracion de la embajada mexicana,un miembro de MAIZ le pregunto que si podia poner el video,pero el funcionario mexicano no quiso. Mucha gente se paro en la banqueta para ver el video,incluso los policias vieron el video.

La reunion se termino cantando el himno zapatista.

The Grito of the Resistance in Houston,Texas!

Yesterday was given the "Grito of the Resistance" in front of the Mexican Consulate where near 30-40 people they shouted :"Zapata Lives,the Fight continues!","Political Prisiones,Freedom!".

In the reunion MAIZ project the video "Romper el Cerco",a worker of the Mexican consulate went to the reunion and asked that if we wanted to say something in the celebracion in the Mexican Consulate, a member of MAIZ asked to the worker "Can we to project the video? and he said no. Many people stoped in the sidewalk to see the video, even the policias saw the video.

The reunion finished singing the hymn zapatista Zapata Vive,La Lucha Sigue! Free Atenco Political Prisoners!


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